Sunday, August 29, 2010

Not really a daily dose, now is it?

Sooooo I have not lived up to the promise I made to myself to write on this thing regularly, but those of you who know me personally know that the month of August has been an interesting one, to say the least. And after watching Julie/Julia with my mom the other day (so cute BTW), I have decided to do this more often! I began this month like any other, work, home, work, home. Three weeks ago yesterday I was diagnosed with a left lower lobe pneumonia, and that took me out for a good week. I went back to work for two shifts only to be selected for jury duty. Oh and let me now mention that the case is a three week long murder trial. Yay me. I do have to say that the legal system is very interesting and if Loma Linda's jury pay system was what it should be, I might do this more often! JK. I had a great visit since last time I was on here with my friend Tara and baby Em. I swear she (the baby...well and Tara too :) ) gets cuter every time I see her! I cannot believe she will be one in a month. I have already started birthday shopping and I can hardly wait until October 30th when we shall be reunited!! That being said, my birthday is also fast approaching! Yay! The big 25...So in summary, I have learned this month 1. Emilee Elsasser is amazing! 2. I love my husband more than words can say! 3. Getting pregnant is harder than I ever imagined. 4. jury duty sucks 5. Pneumonia sucks too 6. God is good! 7. NELRP is an amazing program and I am so glad I got it for my student loans! That is all for now!

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